Local Organizations

Columbus (including the suburbs)
Stonewall Columbus - www.stonewallcolumbus.org
Black, Out, and Proud (BOP) - www.blackoutandproud.com
Kaleidoscope Youth Center - www.kycohio.org
Westerville Queer Collective - www.westervillequeercollective.org
Bexley Pride - https://www.facebook.com/groups/BexleyPride/
Pride in GC (Grove City) - https://www.prideingc.org/
Rainbow Hilliard - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1005954396436443/
Rainbow UA (Upper Arlington) - https://www.rainbowua.org/
Rainbow Dublin - https://www.rainbowdublinoh.org/
Worthington Pride - https://www.facebook.com/WorthingtonPride/
Pride New Albany - https://www.pridenewalbany.org/
Columbus PFLAG - https://columbuspflag.com
Cleveland (including the suburbs)
The LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland - https://lgbtcleveland.org
PFLAG Cleveland - https://www.pflagcleveland.org
Plexus: LGBT and Allied Chamber of Commerce - https://www.thinkplexus.org
Colors+ Youth Center - https://www.colorsplus.org
Margie's Hope - https://www.margieshope.org
Cincinnati (including the suburbs)
Prism Cincinnati - https://prismcincinnati.org
GLESEN Greater Cincinnati - https://www.glsen.org/chapter/greater-cincinnati
Lighthouse Youth and Family Services - https://www.lys.org