Dear Friends,
Christmas morning has come early and you get to unwrap your presents before everyone else! Good to support LOVEboldly throughout the year, right?!?
Here are your three presents from LOVEboldly. Enjoy!
A New Website!
For the last two years, we’ve been dreaming of redoing the LOVEboldly website rather than just updating it. Through the efforts of several people since January 2023, we are happy to unveil the new and improved Click that link or the button below and check out the new and improved site!
The LOVEboldly Devotional 2025
Written by almost 50 LGBTQIA+ and Allied people of faith, the LOVEboldly Devotional presents essays for all 52 weeks in 2025, plus eight other special days throughout the year. We’re offering the devotional in three formats, all of which are available at
Digital Download for a suggested donation of $7.50 - Great for reading the whole piece as well as following along each week
Print Copy for $10.00 a copy - Great for using with Bible studies or small groups
Weekly by Email - Great if you want to follow along throughout the year and want (need) reminders.
Visit to access each of the formats and learn more about this new resource.
[Want to write for the 2026 Devotional? Let Ben know at]
Words Can Crush (2025 Edition)
We’re happy to have a new and expanded edition of Words Can Crush, LOVEboldly’s classic resource on terminology and communications in and for the LGBTQIA+ community. In addition to new terms, this edition has been reviewed by the youth and young adult members of the Community Advisory Board at Kaleidoscope Youth Center, who gave us great feedback to make the booklet better for younger folks as well as the rest of us <mutters something about kids and getting off my lawn>.
You can access Words Can Crush at
You Knew It Was Coming…
We get really excited to create and roll out new resources for LGBTQIA+ people of faith, but those resources don’t fund themselves (we’ll see what happens with the suggested donations). No matter how much time and energy we put into devising and building new materials, we still have to fundraise. We haven’t hit our goal of $20,000 by December 31. It’s ok because we still have 11 days and you can make it happen! Don’t believe us? Listen to a message from one of our board members, NV Gay.
Ready to give a one-time donation or become a sustaining investor and set-up a monthly gift? Use the button below to access our giving page now.