January 19, 2025
John Persons (he/him)
Member, Blue Ocean Faith Columbus
Allied Christian
“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men” (Phil 2:5-7, RSV).
The mystery of the incarnation is central to Christian belief and Christian experience. God chose to set aside the infinitudes of deity and all its unknown dimensions of glory to accept all the limitations of being human: a finite human mind and body, human emotions, and human temptations, frailties, and vulnerabilities. In this, Jesus demonstrated the self-emptying love of God — the glories of deity were not something to be grasped, clutched, or clung to. Jesus shows us what it means to be a whole human, living in complete dependence on and trust in God. By his indwelling Spirit, he enables us to do likewise.
Yet we often cling to our own little “glories” and find it difficult to set them aside in exchange for dependence on and trust in God. Perhaps, like the rich young ruler in Matthew 19, the very thought of losing your wealth terrifies you, so you “go away sad” rather than living in the joy of God’s care and mercy. Maybe you cling to your health, or your intellect, or your appearance; this can make aging a very scary prospect. Perhaps you get anxious about the possibility of failure in your education, job, or career, or the loss of your family’s support. Whatever it is that we might be “grasping,” peace and freedom are available if we are able to let go and trust God.
God loves you, has always loved you, and will always love you. God will care for you, even and especially when people fail you or life is full of pain. Rest in God’s goodness and let God’s grace seep into all the cracks in your soul. Then unclench your fists and let go.
Peace and blessing to you, child of God!
What do I cling to most desperately, what most scares me when I contemplate its loss?
Call to Action
Be honest with God. Tell God about your fear and ask for grace to let go. Ask God to assure you of God’s goodness and presence with you, then spend 3 minutes in silence. When thoughts interrupt your inner stillness, just let them go.