Dr. Ben Huelskamp on Behalf of LOVEboldly
Jan 24, 2024
January 24, 2024
Westerville, OH
Two weeks to the day that the Ohio House voted to override Governor DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68, the Ohio Senate has done the same thing. Yet, the Senate has gone even further by reauthorizing HB68 and its heinous measures without the possibility of further legislative or executive action to the contrary. Let us be clear that the Ohio House and Senate have not only overridden a veto, but they have also said that they and they alone better understand the health care needs of Transgender youth than their parents and families. The Ohio General Assembly has said that enforcing a narrow view of gender is more important than their fellow Ohioans leaving the state to seek gender-affirming care.
LOVEboldly continues to remind Ohioans that HB68 and the medical care of Transgender people of any age is not a partisan issue. We stand together with people of many party affiliations, political ideologies, and religious backgrounds who have and will continue to oppose HB68 and all other measures targeting the Transgender community.
Today is a dark day for the Transgender community, the LGBTQIA+ community, and for the State of Ohio. Anyone who is proud of our state or the actions of the General Assembly should take a hard look at who they are supporting and the consequences of their decisions.
LOVEboldly and our strategic partners continue to look towards and work for a day when HB68 will no longer be law in Ohio. This too is not the end of the fight.
This statement may be attributed to Dr. Ben Huelskamp, Executive Director of LOVEboldly, on behalf of the LOVEboldly Board of Directors and LOVEboldly Community.
Direct correspondence to bhuelskamp@loveboldly.net.